Hunan Victory Paper and Plastic Packing Co.,Ltd

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  • What factors does the quality of paper cups depend on?

    What factors does the quality of paper cups depend on?
  • What are the categories and characteristics of paper cups?

    Classification of paper cups:Today's coated paper is divided into PE coated paper and PLA coated paper, single-sided coated paper, double-sided coated paper, inter-layer coated paper and so on.Paper cups are divided into single-sided PE film paper cups, double-sided PE film paper cups, single-sided PLA film paper cups, double-sided PLA film paper cups.
  • What are the main printing processes of the paper cups?

    In our daily life, it is often indispensable to come into contact with various types of exquisite paper cups, among which the paper cups with more printed patterns. Paper cup advertising is a new kind of propaganda for companies, which is very helpful in different enterprises. Various customized logos and patterns printed on paper cups can not only make it convenient, but also play an important role in publicity. Offset printing: it uses oil to print patterns. Its advantage is that the colors of the patterns are full and bright, and look very clear. Even the small lines printed on the paper cups are shown without any defects, that makes the appearance of the paper cups quite exquisite. 2、 絲印:它就塑造更好的靈韻性和應用性,比較適合在原紙和面料上包裝噴涂,也可在硬件上包裝噴涂。一種的方法的包裝噴涂并不會因為印…
  • What are the benefits and functions of advertising paper cups?

    The benefits and functions of advertising paper cups:
  • How to distinguish the quality of the paper cups?

    How to distinguish the quality of the paper cups?
  • How to select the disposable paper cups?

    Tips for choosing paper cups:Firstly, When choosing paper cups, you can place paper cups under the fluorescent lamp, if the cups are blue, that means a lot of fluorescent agents may be added, and consumers should buy it with caution.第二名 核實是否QS安全性高可靠圓形標志牌,大部分有QS圓形標志牌的既為安全性高可靠品牌。Secondly, to check whether there is QS certificate, generally, the product having QS mark is safe.第四 手去捏杯身的挺度,倘若塑料喝水杯軟塌塌的,因此倒進去奶茶飲品以及飲料水后很機會就有塑料喝水杯變型、空調漏水、重要的機會紙杯端不上來危害安全使用。顯然都可以利用仔細觀察紙杯的外型和油墨印刷來分辯紙杯的產品品質。Thirdly, through pinching the body of paper cup to identify whether the cup is soft or collapsed, if it is, the cup is likely to be deformed and leakage when holding fruit juice or beverage.In addition, the quality of paper cup can be disting…
  • How long is the shelf life of disposable paper cup?

    How long is the shelf life of disposable paper cup?
  • Guidance for buying disposable paper cups

    Guidance for buying disposable paper cups
  • The process and material requirements for making disposable paper cups

    The process and material requirements for making disposable paper cups
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