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How to select the disposable paper cups? How to select the disposable paper cups?

How to select the disposable paper cups?

How to select the disposable paper cups?
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How to select the disposable paper cups?

Tips for choosing paper cups:

Firstly, When choosing paper cups, you can place paper cups under the fluorescent lamp, if the cups are blue, that means a lot of fluorescent agents may be added, and consumers should buy it with caution.

二、 核實是否是QS安全可靠標制,一般來說有QS因素的即是的安全的產品。

Secondly, to check whether there is QS certificate, generally, the product having QS mark is safe.

然后 用手掌捏杯身的挺度,比如喝水杯軟塌塌的,那么的放進水果汁也也行軟飲料后很也許就出顯喝水杯形變、漏水現象、造成的也許紙杯端不了起來直接影響運用。與此同時也也行利用觀測紙杯的內部結構和刷來決定紙杯的水平。

Thirdly, through pinching the body of paper cup to identify whether the cup is soft or collapsed, if it is, the cup is likely to be deformed and leakage when holding fruit juice or beverage.In addition, the quality of paper cup can be distinguished by observing their appearance and printing.

4. 不需要挑選彩色過白的紙杯,越白越亮的紙杯也也許加上了大批的熒光劑。

Fourthly, avoid choosing paper cups that look too white. The whiter the paper the more likely to be added a lot of fluorescent agents.

然后 聞甲醛味道,若有氣味要盡量不想設計裝修。能散發出非常重要非常重要的吸塑油味也可以是因1次性紙杯存為過多發霉而制造的霉味,保溫杯如若有過嚴重的吸塑油味的話語有可能不用的肉制品質吸塑油,那么的保溫杯要馬上拋棄盡量不想選購和采用。

Fifthly, to smell the paper cups, if there is a peculiar odor, try not to buy. When you smell ink or musty, do not buy such paper cups. The heavy ink odor means not use the food grade ink while the musty means not get a proper storage. We should definitely avoid purchasing this type of paper cups.

In short, if you want to buy some disposable paper cups, you must buy paper cups with quality assurance. Don't be greedy for low price. Unqualified paper cups are often very soft and easily deformed when filled with liquid. Some paper cups have poor sealing, and the bottom is easy to leak and scald your hand by hot water.

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